How Businesses Utilize Virtual Reality Today and with Which Technologies

The first commercially available Oculus Rift VR headset was released back in 2012. Despite generating significant interest, virtual reality glasses did not experience an immediate explosion in sales and remained a niche product at the time. Early models like the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive were expensive, required powerful computers to operate, and had a limited library of available content. The broader adoption and commercial success of VR technology necessitated the development of infrastructure, more affordable pricing models, and compelling content.

Today, the VR industry has reached a new level and continues to evolve. It has undergone continuous development over the years, with the introduction of various technologies that enable virtual reality to be utilized not only for entertaining in shopping centers but also for large businesses. One such technology that has emerged is NVIDIA Omniverse.

It is worth mentioning that companies such as ServerSimply and Network Tomorrow have also partnered with Varjo to create a new symbiotic relationship and further expand the potential of virtual reality technology. This collaboration aims to push the boundaries of immersive experiences and explore innovative applications across industries.

Need to know. Varjo is a renowned provider of mixed reality and virtual reality (VR) solutions. The company specializes in creating high-resolution VR headsets and devices that deliver exceptional visual fidelity and realism. Varjo's technology allows users to experience virtual environments with stunning clarity, enabling them to read instrument panels, interact with virtual objects, and simulate real-world conditions with unprecedented detail.

More about NVIDIA's Omniverse

NVIDIA's Omniverse is an emerging platform that promises to transform the way scenes and models are shared, edited, and viewed by creators, designers, and audiences. By offering a collaborative and simulation-focused environment, Omniverse has the potential to revolutionize workflows and enhance the creative process across various industries.

Omniverse provides a centralized platform where multiple users can collaborate on projects simultaneously. This real-time collaboration enables seamless sharing of scenes, assets, and models, empowering teams to work together in a synchronized manner. Editors can make edits and modifications that are instantly visible to others, facilitating efficient teamwork and reducing the need for time-consuming back-and-forth communication.

In addition to collaboration, Omniverse also offers advanced simulation capabilities. By leveraging NVIDIA's powerful graphics processing units (GPUs) and advanced algorithms, Omniverse can simulate physical phenomena and accurately replicate real-world dynamics. This opens up possibilities for industries such as architecture, engineering, and entertainment, where realistic simulations are crucial for testing designs, evaluating performance, and creating immersive experiences.

One of the remarkable features of Omniverse is its utilization of eye tracking and warped space to generate visually accurate representations. By tracking users' eye movements, Omniverse can render the highest level of detail and focus in the areas where the user is looking, while optimizing resources in peripheral vision. This approach leads to physically accurate visuals and a more immersive experience for viewers.

The implications of Omniverse's capabilities extend beyond traditional industries. In sectors like automotive manufacturing and product design, where precision and realism are paramount, Omniverse can be a game-changer. It enables designers to visualize and interact with highly detailed virtual prototypes, facilitating more efficient and cost-effective development processes.

NVIDIA's Omniverse signifies a significant leap forward in collaborative visualization. By leveraging cutting-edge technologies, it empowers creators and viewers alike to immerse themselves in dynamic virtual environments and revolutionizes the way scenes and models are shared and experienced.

The technology continues to evolve. Omniverse™ Create Beta Released Now - a cutting-edge application currently in beta version, representing the logical evolution of VR technologies. It offers an immersive and interactive experience in extended reality (XR) environments, allowing users to assemble, light, and navigate Omniverse scenes in real-time. By enabling both individual and collaborative interactions, Create XR beta empowers engineers, designers, and creators to work together seamlessly, leveraging the potential of XR for enhanced productivity and creativity. With its advanced features, including fully ray-traced VR, augmented reality streaming, and support for various headsets and tablets, Omniverse Create XR beta sets the stage for the future of immersive experiences and showcases the ongoing advancements in the field of VR.

How Kia is using VR 

The following image is provided by Varjo

In the image above: Kia specialists utilizing Varjo tools showcase the capability to change the color of a car on the fly and preview its appearance. Photo taken by Varjo.

Kia, a leading automotive manufacturer, has embarked on an innovative partnership with Varjo. This collaboration aims to leverage the power of AR/VR technology to transform the automotive industry. By integrating immersive technologies into the design process, Kia and Varjo are poised to revolutionize how cars are conceptualized, developed, and brought to life.

With AR/VR technology, designers and engineers can create virtual environments that simulate real-world conditions, enabling them to visualize and manipulate digital car models in unprecedented ways. This enhances the design iteration process and allows for faster prototyping and testing. By donning VR headsets, designers can step into a virtual showroom and experience their creations as if they were physical vehicles, gaining valuable insights into ergonomics, aesthetics, and functionality.

The integration of AR/VR technology in automotive design offers numerous advantages. It facilitates collaboration among teams working remotely, as they can virtually gather in the same digital space and review designs together. It also enables real-time design modifications, reducing the time and cost associated with physical prototypes. Furthermore, it allows for more efficient communication between designers, engineers, and stakeholders, ensuring a streamlined development process and enhancing overall product quality.

The Kia-Varjo partnership signals a significant shift in the automotive industry, highlighting the growing importance of immersive technologies in shaping the vehicles of the future. By harnessing AR/VR capabilities, Kia aims to push the boundaries of innovation, enabling the creation of safer, more efficient, and aesthetically appealing cars.

How Boeing is using VR: From pre-launch to docking to landing

The following image is provided by Varjo.

In the image above, you can see Jim May, Boeing Space Flight Training Software Engineer, wearing a Varjo headset. Photo taken by Varjo.

The collaboration between Varjo and the Boeing Starliner program introduces a groundbreaking approach to astronaut training using virtual reality (VR) technology. By utilizing Varjo's VR devices, astronauts can now undergo comprehensive training entirely in VR, from pre-launch to docking to landing.

The traditional training process for crewed space missions involves repetitive practice of every step, requiring years of preparation and hundreds of hours of complex simulations. However, the low resolution of existing VR devices has limited the ability to train for safety-critical scenarios, such as spacecraft operation and docking with the International Space Station (ISS).

Varjo's high-resolution VR headsets address this limitation by providing clear visuals that allow astronauts to read instrument panels from a normal distance. The immersive training environment created by Varjo's technology enables astronauts to simulate various mission phases, including launching, docking, re-entry, and landing. This realistic training experience helps astronauts develop their skills, improve decision-making abilities, and enhance their familiarity with critical procedures.

One of the most complex operations in a Starliner mission is docking with the ISS. Varjo's visual fidelity allows astronauts to accurately project display panels and trajectory data, ensuring precise training for this vital operation. Additionally, VR training offers the flexibility to practice for unplanned events and dangerous situations without putting astronauts at risk.

The integration of Varjo's VR devices in the Starliner program brings operational benefits, such as remote training capabilities. Astronauts can participate in training sessions from anywhere in the world, experiencing the same level of realism and interactions as in physical simulators. VR simulations can also be performed individually, enhancing operational flexibility for the entire team.

Looking ahead, the Boeing Starliner team envisions expanding VR training opportunities, including the possibility of conducting VR simulations from outer space. The success of VR training in the Starliner program may also pave the way for its application in other safety-critical scenarios and vehicles within the Boeing fleet.


Virtual reality (VR) has become an integral part of business operations, offering new possibilities and transforming various industries. The development of VR technology has been driven by the need for more affordable pricing models, infrastructure, and compelling content. One noteworthy technology in this field is NVIDIA's Omniverse, which provides a collaborative and simulation-focused environment for creators, designers, and audiences. Omniverse allows for real-time collaboration, advanced simulation capabilities, and visually accurate representations, revolutionizing workflows across industries such as architecture, engineering, and entertainment.